Email Function

What it does
Starling allows you to email files directly from the app using your personal email address (with Gmail excluded for now). This ensures that you can quickly share the correct file version without leaving the Starling environment. 

How it helps
You can easily share files via email, making collaboration smoother and faster. It ensures that recipients always receive the most up-to-date version of a document. 

In the near future, Starling will also enable real-time collaboration within the app. Receiving email will also be possible, where attachments will automatically be recognized as a version wherever it concerns a reply with a monitored local file. 

How to

  1. Go to Settings in Starling.
  2. Navigate to Email and select Create New.
  3. Add your personal email address to enable the email function.

After setting this up, you can email files directly from Starling with ease, ensuring your workflow remains uninterrupted.

To send a file via email select file and in Tracking history find the right version that you want to send.

Different way to send a file is by selecting the file and going to three dots on the right side. After clicking you will see the option Send as email.


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