What is it?
We started wondering: Why hasn’t the digital filing cabinet grown with the needs we accumulated as the Internet started to touch every aspect of our lives? Why is the filing cabinet of 2024 the same as the filing cabinet of 1986? Why don’t I have a filing cabinet which
understands dynamic data, not static: when was that change made?
has social context: who made that change?
works with free association of data (no-tree-necessary): this picture is relevant to several projects, why copy it over all the time?
has flexible representation: I wanted to look at my data from a communication perspective, and now I want to look at it from a timeline perspective
syncs my relevant data seamlessly to whom it needs to go: Peter also works on this? Starling syncs it.
has integrated version tracking: this version was made by me, this one was made by you
I can query: Show me all the data from Margo from last December
In short, a filing cabinet which gives me freedom, has got my back. Actually, a toolbox out of which I can pick and choose the right tool for the job at hand. Not a straitjacket, but something flexible, non-intrusive.